Announcing PostSharp 1.0 RC 4

by Gael Fraiteur on 21 Jul 2008

The last release candidate was unfortunately not the final one. Last Friday I silently released a new candidate, and since there seems to be no obvious error, it's not time to announce it (I had to retract a previous tentative to public RC4 for this reason).

This new RC corrects fourteen issues, two of them required non-trivial changes requiring a new RC.

Maybe the best news for all is that it is now possible to apply multiple OnMethodInvocation aspects on a single method, at least with target-site weaving. I have been shamefully so far too lazy to reconsider a limitation that no longer any rationale.

I was however quite satisfy to notice that most bugs had pretty small coverage, so I consider already the product as very stable.

Unless you guys come with a new high-coverage bug requiring non-trivial refactoring, this will be the final release candidate.

Happy PostSharping!
