Announcing PostSharp 1.5 CTP 2

by Gael Fraiteur on 27 Oct 2008

I am pleased to announce I have just released PostSharp 1.5 CTP 2 with exciting improvements over PostSharp 1.5 CTP 1 and of course PostSharp 1.0. Among the things you can be looking forward:

  • Aspect Inheritance. This is something many of you have longed for. You can now apply an aspect on a (non-sealed) class or a (non-sealed) virtual method and have the aspect automatically applied to all derived classes or methods. The same with interfaces. Since the feature is implemented at the level of MulticastAttibute. I will blog further about this feature in a next post, but if you are eager to try, everything is hidden behind the MulticastAttribute.AttributeInheritance and MulticastAttributeUsage.Inheritance properties!
  • Pluggable Aspect Serializers. If you cannot use the BinaryFormatter to serialize Laos aspects, you can now override the serializer implementation. You can even use no serializer at all and have the aspects constructed at runtime by ad-hoc MSIL instructions. And why would you need to do it? For instance for compatibility with code obfuscators (breaking the relationship between serialization and code), because of an extra need of speed or you need...
  • Support for Partial Trust: Since PostSharp Laos is not bound to the BinaryFormatter any more, you can now use assemblies transformed by PostSharp in partially-trusted scenarios. And this may become more important that you now imagine!
  • Built-in support for ASP.NET: It used to be available as a separate project; it is now merged in the principal trunk and will be fully supported.
  • Injection of Custom Attributes: This new aspect allows you to add custom attributes to any element (type, method, field, method, property, event, parameter, return value, assembly) from a CompoundAspect. See CustomAttributeInjectorAspect for details.
  • All the bug fixes up to PostSharp 1.0 SP 1.
  • The field injected by a CompositionAspect can be marked as non-serializable.

New features are not yet documented in the user guide (yet they are in the class reference); I will blog about them more in detail during next days.

Happy PostSharping!
