Announcing PostSharp 2.0 CTP 4

by Gael Fraiteur on 27 Feb 2010

This is to announce PostSharp 2.0 CTP 4, available for download today. As most our efforts this month have gone to release the company and the new web site, there is no large increment in this build. However, there are two features that could not wait any more:

  1. No more time bomb. All previous releases were hard-coded to expire at a fixed date. This new CTP includes the final licensing system: after a 45-days evaluation period, then you have to choose between the Community Edition and the Professional Edition (and in both case enter the license key). There’s currently no way to get a Community Edition license from the web site; we’ll address that during the next weeks.
  2. Support for .NET 4.0 RC and Visual Studio 2010 RC instead of beta 2. Also, the current version should survive better an upgrade to .NET 4.0 RTM unless they break something.

Note that the licensing system itself is beta, so to know which features are enabled/disabled, please refer to our comparison sheet and report any difference with the implementation.

The next milestone for us is to complete online processes (acquisition of commercial and community licenses). Then the rush will be over, and I’ll be able to prepare a RC with rest, calm and serenity :).

Happy PostSharping!
