Announcing PostSharp 2.1 SP 1

by Gael Fraiteur on 13 Feb 2012

I’m happy we finally refreshed our front-page download and released PostSharp 2.1 SP 1, featuring 48 bug fixes and user stories.

All fixes were already available under the “download” section, so it’s not that anyone had to wait so long to get a solution.

This service packs solves virtually all defects that have been reported to us, most notably:

  • compatibility with Code Analysis (FxCop) – the infamous file locking issue
  • compatibility with Code Contracts (issues with debugging symbols)
  • compatibility with Silverlight 5
  • issues in PostSharp HQ when upgrading PostSharp

This makes this release a very stable one. For a list of all fixes, see the release notes.

The SP 1 contains the following new enhancements:

  • View source code enhanced by PostSharp from Visual Studio using your favorite decompiler.
  • Example code migrated to Visual Studio 2010 and cleaned up, licensing under BSD 2.0.
  • Refresh (actually, revival) of the XML project system:
    • Unification of plug-in configuration (psplugin) and project configuration (psproj).
    • Support for services that do not refer to PostSharp.Sdk.dll.
    • Support for data islands inside XML project files.
  • Adding aspects (actually, MulticastAttribute) to an XML project file – so without changing anything to source code.

The last few enhancements can appear a little cryptic to you, but they open the way to a new line of features we’ll blob about from next weeks: PostSharp Toolkits. They will make it easier to use the power of PostSharp without the difficulty of learning aspect-oriented programming.

Happy PostSharping!
