First version of PostSharp4Unity

by Gael Fraiteur on 27 Feb 2008

PostSharp4Unity modifies assemblies after compilation to make objects

self-configurable: you don't need to call a factory method; you can use the

default constructor. All you have to do is to decorate your class with the

custom attribute "Configurable". It smells like Spring, isn't it ;-).

It is available from

I have updated the StopLight sample. The first change is on the

StoplightForm class:


public partial class StoplightForm : Form, IStoplightView


Then, in Program.Main, you can use the default constructor:

Application.Run(new StoplightForm());

Unfortunately, that's not all. Since Unity has no notion of context registry

(i.e. no notion of "current container"), you have to build a basic one:

public sealed class UnityContainerProvider : IUnityContainerProvider


private readonly IUnityContainer container;

public UnityContainerProvider()


this.container = new UnityContainer()

.Register<ILogger, TraceLogger>()

.Register<IStoplightTimer, RealTimeTimer>();


public IUnityContainer CurrentContainer

{ get { return this.container; } }


Then tell

PostSharp4Unity to build your container:

[assembly: DefaultUnityContainerProvider(


As you can see, there is a little of set up to do, but it's only once per

assembly. (And would be useless if there were some Unity-wide notion of

context registry or default container.) At this price, you can use Unity

with any object without having to construct them using a factory method.

Pay attention that your

'configurable' objects are now configured before the constructor is

executed, and not after. So, in the class StoplightForm, we have to

move the view initialization at the end of the constructor:


public partial class StoplightForm : Form, IStoplightView


private StoplightPresenter presenter;

public StoplightForm()






public StoplightPresenter Presenter


get { return presenter; }

set { presenter = value; }


There are still some problems being discussed, but at least you have the

first bits.

Happy PostSharping!
