IdeaBlade releases DevForce Code First

by Gael Fraiteur on 07 Nov 2011

I’m thrilled to announce that our partner IdeaBlade has just released a new version of DevForce. This application framework already provided pretty much all of the wiring you need to develop rich line-of-business applications (Silverlight and WPF backed by WCF, Entity Framework, OData). The last release now supports  domain models written for Entity Framework in Code First style… and that still respect the spirit of Code First: nice, clean code, free from infrastructure boilerplate.

Guess who is writing that boilerplate for you? Right: PostSharp. What’s nice with DevForce is that you can start coding immediately and don’t have to understand anything about AOP and PostSharp since DevForce provides all the aspects you need. Even better: you don’t need to download PostSharp and you don’t have to check-out any license: all is included in the IdeaBlade package.

See! I managed to avoid the c*c*c word.

I’d like to thank Albert and his team for their efforts and feedback during the RC stage of PostSharp 2.1. I’m sure DevForce and PostSharp will benefit from each other and will make it even easier to develop strong LOB applications.

Happy PostSharping – now even to those who never heard of PostSharp.
