LinkedIn Live Webinar Presentation - Sneak Preview

by Britt King on 28 Oct 2010

We recently teamed up with the good folks at LinkedIn .Net User Group (LIDNUG) to help raise awareness about the benefits of aspect-oriented programming (AOP). On November 3rd, from 9:00 AM (PT) to 10:30 AM (PT), Gael will speak about the problems with conventional programming, give a gentle introduction to AOP, show how it works, and explain why .Net developers should be using it to eliminate crap code from their lives.

Sneak Preview:

Produce Cleaner Code with Aspect-Oriented Programming

Here is the agenda:

  1. 0 to 15 min: AOP Introduction and Myth Busting.

    The session begins with a gentle introduction to AOP and sets the record straight on some common, yet misinformed, beliefs about AOP.

  2. 16 to 30 min: Live Coding.

    Gael shows how to generate more concise and readable code by using aspects to refactor a multi-threaded WPF application.

  3. 31 to 45 min: Build-time Benefits.

    Gael explains the advantages and benefits of build-time weaving compared to DynamicObject.

  4. 46 to 60 min: Live Coding.

    Gael demonstrates how AOP can implement complex patterns for you: e.g. generate all the code behind INotifyPropertyChanged

  5. 61 to 90 min: Q&A

    Gael answers your questions about AOP

Join us next Wednesday, November 3rd from 9:00 AM (PT) to 10:30 AM (PT) via Live Meeting.

Reserve your spot at the LinkedIn .Net User Group event announcement page here:

We look forward to seeing you there.
