[Live Webinar Encore] Real World AOP Usage with Ward Bell from IdeaBlade

by Britt King on 22 Feb 2012

Join us on Thursday, February 23 at 9:00 AM PST | 12:00 PM EST | 5:00 PM GMT for the next PostSharp Live Webinar when our guest will be Ward Bell.

Ward is V. P. of Technology at IdeaBlade and, with over 25 years of application development experience, he champions the company's customer-focused product direction.

Due to the popular demand of last week's live webinar, we've asked Ward to join us again to show how IdeaBlade's DevForce product uses PostSharp to infuse “Code First” entity model classes - entities like Customer and Order – with rich behaviors that go way beyond property change notification.

During the webinar you will learn:

  • How IdeaBlade uses PostSharp to achieve important product goals
  • Which alternatives to PostSharp the company considered, and rejected
  • What initially worried IdeaBlade about using AOP and PostSharp
  • Where IdeaBlade is planning to go next with PostSharp

If you've ever wondered what difference AOP and PostSharp can make in real products, and want to gain insight into how it can help with your own project, be sure to watch Thursday's webinar.

Happy PostSharping!
