[Live Webinar] Joe Kuemerle Shows How to Declutter Your Codebase with AOP

by Britt King on 26 Sep 2012

Join us tomorrow, September 27th, for the next PostSharp Live Webinar when our guest will be Joe Kuemerle.

Joe is a developer and speaker in the Cleveland, OH area and specializes in .NET development, security, database and application lifecycle topics.  He is currently a Lead Developer at BookingBuilder Technologies, a leading software innovator for the travel industry.

Tomorrow, Joe will show how the clutter of logging, security checks, exception handling, implementing INotifyPropertyChanged and much more can be purged from your methods with Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) techniques.

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During the webinar you will learn:

  • Why cluttered code is a pervasive problem in software development.
  • What AOP is all about, how it works and how to use it effectively.
  • How AOP tools like PostSharp make applications more readable, better organized and easier to maintain.
  • How to implement Logging and INotifyPropertyChanged automatically with PostSharp Toolkits.

If you've ever wondered what difference AOP and PostSharp can make in your projects, and want to gain more insight into how PostSharp Toolkits make short work of boilerplate code, be sure to attend tomorrow’s live webinar.

Space is limited

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