[Recording] You May Already Be Using AOP

by Britt King on 10 May 2013

Last Thursday our good friend Matthew Groves delivered part 1 of his 5-part live webinar series on AOP in .NET. He has a new book coming out next month called Aspect Oriented Programming in .NET from Manning Publications and the series will cover some of the practical AOP insights found in his book and a variety of real-world coding examples using PostSharp.

In part 1, Matt does an excellent job of demonstrating the basics of Aspect-Oriented Programming, including a number of live coding examples using ASP.NET and PostSharp – all in under 30 minutes.


Q: Can you provide any hints on unit testing with aspects involved?

A: We’re going to talk about unit testing aspects – unit testing code that aspects are applied to – in part 5 of this series [May 30th]. In fact, I have dedicated an entire chapter of my book to unit testing aspects.

Q: Is PostSharp the only AOP framework covered in your book?

A: My book is focused on AOP in .NET and PostSharp is a large part of that but I cover other .NET tools like Castle DynamicProxy and the ASP.NET examples [shown in the video]. The idea is that once you learn the principles of AOP, you will be comfortable using tools other than what’s covered in the book. So anything you learn about PostSharp or Castle you can apply to other frameworks as well.

I will be adding new recordings each week but, if you want to catch them live and have the chance to ask Matt any question you may have about AOP in .NET and/or PostSharp be sure to sign-up for the series and join us every Thursday throughout the month of May.