Announcing the General Availability of PostSharp 2024.1

by Gael Fraiteur on 30 Apr 2024

We’re un-thrilled to announce the general availability of the stable NuGet packages of PostSharp 2024.1. This latest version primarily focuses on a unified Visual Studio extension with Metalama, which we launched earlier this month. Essentially, this NuGet package release is more of a formality since they are almost unchanged.

For a detailed look at the Visual Studio Tools for Metalama and PostSharp, check out the way more exciting Metalama 2024.1 announcement.

As a PostSharp user, the key update you’ll notice is the integration of the Visual Studio extension with CodeLens instead of tooltips to display aspect information.

This article was first published on a under the title Announcing the General Availability of PostSharp 2024.1.