Announcing PostSharp 6.11 RC: Support for .NET 7.0 and C# 11

by Gael Fraiteur on 30 Nov 2022

We’re happy to announce that PostSharp 6.11 RC is now available for download as a preview release on NuGet. You can also download PostSharp Tools for Visual Studio 2022 from our website.

The two points of PostSharp 6.11 are a platform update and Metalama compatibility.

Platform update

PostSharp 6.11 RC supports .NET 7.0, C# 11 and Visual Studio 2022.4.

PostSharp 6.10 remains our current long-term supported (LTS) release, as PostSharp 6.11 relies on the non-LST .NET 7.0.

Side-by-side Metalama compatibility

As many of you may already know, we have been working hard on Metalama during the last two years. Metalama is our next-generation meta-programming platform, entirely based on Roslyn instead of MSIL rewriting. We have done great progress with Metalama and should announce an RC soon.

As we expect teams to use both PostSharp and Metalama during a transition period, we have prepared PostSharp 6.11 Tools for Visual Studio to be side-by-side compatible with Metalama. Concretely, PostSharp Tools for Visual Studio will no longer offer, in the refactoring menu and elsewhere, the possibility to add an aspect to a project if the package that implements this aspect is not already added to that project. This feature was built even before NuGet existed, was still useful when NuGet went though infancy, but it seems now redundant.

Please note that it is not recommended to use PostSharp and Metalama in the same project. By side-by-side compatibility, we mean different projects.


If you are planning to update your projects to .NET 6.7 soon, or if you want to give Metalama a try, it’s a good idea to try to update to PostSharp 6.11 and report any problem via our support forum so we can strike when the iron is hot.

Happy PostSharping!
