Starting from 6.7 release, the support for Xamarin is back and we have introduced the support for Blazor. In addition, we are excited to announce the release of two new features for PostSharp Logging: log collecting and the multiplexer logging backend. What this means is that PostSharp Logging now allows for collecting logs from other logging frameworks into PostSharp Logging, and writing from PostSharp Logging into multiple target frameworks.
Here is the summary of all new features in PostSharp 6.7:
- Blazor support
You can now use PostSharp Framework and selected Patterns libraries in your Blazor applications. Note that adding PostSharp directly to a Blazor application project is not supported. Read more here.
- Xamarin support
You will be able to use PostSharp in .NET Standard projects that can then be referenced in your Xamarin application project. Note that with Xamarin, we still just support .NET Standard libraries, so you cannot use PostSharp on the Xamarin-targeting project itself. Read more here.
- Better integration with other logging frameworks
There is no need to replace your existing logging code when adopting PostSharp to your projects and the multiplexer features now enables several new scenarios, including sending your logging output to targets in different logging frameworks at the same time. Read more here.
For more details, please read the 6.7 RC announcement.
Happy PostSharping!